MyList Prototype
What is the MyList Prototype?My List is an interactive app prototype to assist users when creating lists for shopping trips. The app aids users in keeping track of previous and future shopping lists, while also providing a collaborative component.
What problem does MyList address?When engaging in shopping for an event, household of many, or for a single person it can create challenges:
Since a large portion of this project was centered around interaction design we used a design method in an iterative design process.
Design Process
Empathy |
We wanted to identify our users and understand how this potential app would benefit them. To do this we observed potential users in supermarkets and other store types.
Through observation we did the following:
Target users
Single Adults:
-Adults who live in a home where they are contributing to the sustainability of the household. Adults lead very busy lives and maintaining knowledge of what’s needed in the home can be tedious. Unmarried adults who cohabitate together could use the app to create lists for items needed in the home. Lists could also be made for other things such as parties, moving supplies, and holiday shopping. These adults expect to shop efficiently in regards to money and time, while still maintaining communication.
Adult Parents:
- Adult parents are two or more adults in an household equally contributing to the upbringing of children and sustainability of a home. They have a lot to juggle and usually every adult in the household are working. This can cause communication to be difficult. Having an app that helps one parent know what the other parent has already purchased can assist with saving time, in an already hectic schedule, and money. Adult parents want to shop as quickly and as organized as possible. These users would use the app to help save them time and keep tabs on their shopping bills.
-Adults who live in a home where they are contributing to the sustainability of the household. Adults lead very busy lives and maintaining knowledge of what’s needed in the home can be tedious. Unmarried adults who cohabitate together could use the app to create lists for items needed in the home. Lists could also be made for other things such as parties, moving supplies, and holiday shopping. These adults expect to shop efficiently in regards to money and time, while still maintaining communication.
Adult Parents:
- Adult parents are two or more adults in an household equally contributing to the upbringing of children and sustainability of a home. They have a lot to juggle and usually every adult in the household are working. This can cause communication to be difficult. Having an app that helps one parent know what the other parent has already purchased can assist with saving time, in an already hectic schedule, and money. Adult parents want to shop as quickly and as organized as possible. These users would use the app to help save them time and keep tabs on their shopping bills.
Potential Future Added Features
- Price list comparison
- Draftbox ( to show case past lists)
- Items locator based on aisle
- Swipe option for delete and add an item
Icon links
1. <a href="" title="define icons">Define icons created by iconixar - Flaticon</a> 2.<a href="" title="idea icons">Idea icons created by Darius Dan - Flaticon</a> 3.<a href="" title="prototype icons">Prototype icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon</a> 4.<a href="" title="result icons">Result icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon</a> 5. <a href="" title="person icons">Person icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a> 6. <a href="" title="person icons">Person icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>